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First Days of Semester Parking Info

Monday, August 1, 2022

Welcome (back) to campus!  We are excited to see you soon.  The start of each semester is always an exciting time, as well as a time of full parking lots and higher-than-normal traffic.

Students new and returning will quickly find their ideal parking location, but the first two weeks of each semester can be challenging.  Use the map below to understand how our student parking lots fill throughout the morning, and allow the map to guide you to quick, easy, and convenient parking based on when you will arrive to campus.  It is important for students driving in to find the student parking lots and avoid faculty/staff parking areas.  Each parking lot has an entrance sign that describes which permit(s) can park at that location. 

If you have not purchased your parking permit, do it here before you arrive!  Have a permit but not sure where to park? View the appropriate parking map here.

Faculty can use the map below to understand how your normal parking arrangements may be impacted by back-to-school traffic. Be sure to add extra time (and patience) to your commute.



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